Monday, October 24, 2011

Body Transformation Photos - Naseba Rolex Explorer Challenge

From the calculations made in I assumed a body fat % of 9.49 back in August 2011 but clearly I was wrong. After using the caliper method and the body fat machine at SNAP Fitness and Body & Soul, I found out my body fat was close to 13% in the beginning of September 2011. So my best which was in May-July 2007 was no less than 9.8-10% and not 8%. So please disregard what I may have written in my blog before. All the photos shown here are according to caliper or the body fat machine method.

October 2010 - 80kg at 20% body fat. Not much definition​ abs for me, was pullin in my tummy!

June 20th 2011 - 74 kg with Body fat 16%

Sept 1st 2011 - abs showin up but a very bulbous chest... 76kg with bo​dy fat close to13%

Sept 30th 2011 - naseba annual day - abs almost there, Sophie made sure i dint forget that...76 kg with body fat reducing another 2.5-3% to around 10-10.5%!

Oct 14th-18th 2011 - 77kg, body fat reduced another 1% to 9%

Finally the "infamous 6-pack" shows clearly!

October 18th 2011

 Tribute to MJ and to show just how lean I've gotten!




DECEMBER 5th 2000, my favorite nephew's 1st birthday
At 100kgs, 41 inch waist, 28% body fat


October 2002

MARCH 10th 1994 - My 11th Birthday

October 22nd to November 4th 2011

Oct 22nd: 630am Came back from hyd and went straight to the gym...did not strain myself...ran for 20 minutes, did pushups, pullups, squates, abs/core training for 25 minutes, 15 minutes steam and was off to work. Similar diet as before.

Oct 23rd: Was pretty exhausted so chose to rest in the morning. went to work and followed the same diet routine as usual. chest and bicep workout form 845-10pm

Oct 24th: Chose to take rest. Again followed a strict diet eating good mix of complex carbs, lean protein and good fat as per the days caloric requirements.
it's 1046pm here and am still at work writing this blog! rain played spoiler but nevertheless worth all the time spent preparing my presentation for the rolex challenge.

Oct 25th: 130 am and still at work trying to put together a good presentation for the challenge. slept on the sofa on the terrace...quite an experience! woke up and got ready for work at a friend's place closeby. not much to talk about in terms of workout and food. pretty much a cheat meal day. was very tired all day and somehow pulled through. was back home by 9pm and slept by 10pm.

Oct 26th to November 4th: Unable to go to the gym due to sister's condition. Early vacation starting on november 2nd. took a flight back to hyderabad and rushed to the hospital. she's been fightin so hard against all of her worst fears which is so inspiring to see. she's better today(nov 4th) and will be takin her back home. Been very careful about the food i eat though. will start workout tomorrow mornin. first priority is my sister though. will fit in the workouts accordingly.

October 20th and 21st - Free hand workouts

sister was hospitalized due to complications, went to hyd over the weekend and sorted things out till she was discharged. Not much time to workout but did a lot of push ups, pullups, squats, lunges, crunches, leg raises and complex movements to churn the core. ate30% lean protein, 50% complex carbs and 20%good fat.

Oct 19th - Morning Back Workout - Last heavy weight workout for the month

Woke up at 6am: 1ltr water

630am: 1 banana+1apple+1orange+250ml milk

20minutes gap
Cyled 2.1 km to the gym, ran for 15 minutes(HIIT)

Creatine with water +100ml gatorade, multivitamin and iron folic


15 minutes  HIIT cardio.


1. 200 Advanced Pushups, 5reps*3sets wide concentration pull ups(6sec hold at contraction)

2. Double Dumbbell bent knee rowing(Weight per arm): 5kg*max(130reps), 15kg*15reps, 17.5kg*12reps, 22.5kg*10reps

3. Single Arm Bent Rowing on the bench(per arm):  17.5kg*15reps, 22.5kg*12reps, 25kg*10reps
4. Wide Lat pull-down on precor:  9plates*15reps, 11plates*12reps, 13plates*10reps
5. Close arms lat pull down palms facing in:  8plates*15reps, 9plates*12reps,10*10reps

6. Seated Machine rowing: 7plates*15reps, 8plates*12reps, 9plates*10reps

7. Shruggs(weight per arm): 17.5kg*15reps, 22.5kg*12reps, 25kg*10reps

End of Workout

End of Workout, stretched for 10 minutes, glutamine with water, fish oil, 600gm papaya, fish gel

Cycled back home 2.1 kms and then 3 kms to work

1015am-11am: 7 egg whites boiled, 2 egg dosas with coconut chutney, fish gel,

1am: 6egg whites + 20gms peanuts + 2carrots+ 2 spoons date syrup with 1 glass hot water

325pm:  half grilled chicken with onion and 1 tandoori roti

6pm: 6egg whites + 20gms peanuts + 2carrots+ 2 spoons date syrup with 1 glass hot water

830pm: half tandoori chicken + 1 tandoori roti + roasted peanuts

Off to Hyderabad on a Bus

11pm: off to bed

Oct 18th - Evening Cardio Abs

Cycled 3km to work in the morning and 5 km to the gym at night. 25 boiled egg whites, 1 full grilled chicken, half kg carrot, 2 cucumbers, 2 rotis, pudina, 1apple, 2oranges, 1banana, 1sapota, multivitamin and iron folic

5 meals with the 1st meal at 7am, last meal at 8pm

Pre-Workout: Creatine with water


half an hour of HIIT cardio. 200 ml gatorade


1. 200 Advanced Pushups, 5reps*3sets wide concentration pull ups(6sec hold at contraction)

2. Half crunch superset: 3 sets of 35 reps each of close to the ground and off the ground(total 210reps)

3. Wide leg bent knee btwn the leg superset:  reach out crunch and side bending: 3 sets of 20 reps and 30 reps respectively(total 150reps)

4. Kickbacks: 8sets*10reps of without weights, 8sets*10reps with 2.5kg dumbbells(160reps total)

5. Core training with 5, 7.5 and10 kg dumbbells: 30 walking dumbbell swing, 30 walking punches, 30 twists per weight

End of Workout, stretched for 10 minutes, glutamine with water, fish oil, 250gmpapaya, fish gel

Cycled back home 2.1 kms

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oct 17th: Legs and core

I dread the day i gotta do legs coz i am in serious pain for 3 days at least post the leg workout. so mellowed it down a bit today.

Woke up at 6am: 1ltr water

630am: 1 banana+1apple+1orange+250ml milk

20minutes gap
Cyled 2.1 km to the gym, ran for 15 minutes

Creatine with water +100ml gatorade, multivitamin and iron folic

715-830am:  200 Advanced Pushups15*3 wide pull ups

1. Dumbbell Squats: 50*1 free squats, 15kg*2*15reps, 17.5kg*2*12reps, 22.5kg*10reps (Weight Per Arm)
15 seconds gap
2. Dumbbell lunges: per leg: 15kg*2*15reps, 17.5kg*2*12reps, 22.5kg*10reps (Weight Per Arm)- 10-15secs gap per set
15 seconds gap
3. Leg Extension: 8plates*20reps, 9plates*20reps, 10plates*15reps - 5 seconds gap per set
30 seconds gap
4. Hamstring Curls: 4plates*15reps, 5plates*12reps, 6plates*10reps
45secs gap
5. Calves: free weight calf raise standing on the edge of a staircase: 3 sets without rest: 25reps on both legs, 20reps only right leg, 20reps only left leg...calf crunch on precor leg press - 15 plates *20reps, 18paltes*15reps, 20plates*12reps

core training with 5 and 7.5kg dumbbells for 10 minutes
End of Workout, stretched for 10 minutes, glutamine with water, fish oil, 600gm papaya, fish gel

Cycled back home 2.1 kms and then 3 kms to work

1015am-11am: 7 egg whites boiled, 2 egg dosas with coconut chutney, fish gel,

1am: 6egg whites + 20gms peanuts + 2carrots+ 2 spoons date syrup with 1 glass hot water

325pm:  half grilled chicken with onion and 1 tandoori roti

6pm: 6egg whites + 20gms peanuts + 2carrots+ 2 spoons date syrup with 1 glass hot water

830pm: half tandoori chicken + 1 tandoori roti + roasted peanuts

10pm: cycled back home 3kms

11pm: off to bed

15th,16th October 2011

Was very tied up with work and moreover pretty killer workouts the last week,,,so chose not to go to the gym these two days in order to get a head start for the week in the new project at work and also allow my body to recover. And this was a great decision as both my goals of performing at work and recovering were achieved!

Routine: pretty much the same waking up at 6 and off to bed by 1030-11. Just made sure to eat high protein, complex carbs and good fat 6 times in the day. Also cycled harder back and forth from home to work, did 300 push ups, 200 squats, 200crunches each day.

Friday, October 14, 2011

14th October Friday - Cardio, Abs/Core

woke up at 730am: 1 ltr water

8am: 1 apple +2orange+1 banana+1 sapota+ 2 dry dates

930am: 30 gms peanuts + 1 orange+ 1 dry date

2.1 km cycling to the gym

10am-1040am: running - warm up 2 minutes, 6 minute mile, HIIT 25 minutes, 3 minute kilometer, 2 minute cool down

1 orange, creatine with 100 ml

1050am -1150pm: Abs/Core

1. Advanced push-ups gripping 15kg dumbbells placed on the floor : 30 scorpion push-ups, 30 spider-man push-ups, 30alternating grip single leg push-ups, 30 triangle push-ups, 30 leg-swing push-ups, 

10 clock push-ups with 5 kg dumbbells, 

2 rounds of crawling, 40 wide arm(50 inches) push-ups gripping 15kg dumbbells placed on the floor.

2. 8*3 concentrated pullups/chinups holding each rep for 6 secs at contraction

3. 300 crunches(including 5 kg dumbbell and concentration for each of 3 variations) lying on the leg extn/hamstring curl bench with feet locked at the leg extn support: 

4. 200 reps - kickbacks/bent knee leg raise/straight knee leg raise/cycling free legs and using swiss ball

5. 60 reps per side: compound side bending with machine weight extn 4 plates on one side and 5 kg dumbbell on the other

6. 50 reps Standing twist with 5kg dumbbells and opposite leg raise into the core 

7. 2*15 reps standing twisting holding out a 7.5 kg dumbbell with both hands and maintaining steady core, head and feet

8. 2*15 reps hammer crunch with a 7.5 kg dumbbell with both hands and maintaining steady core, head and feet

End of a fantastic workout again!

12pm-1235pm: 2 oranges+600gm papaya+1apple+glut-amine with 100 ml water+fish gel+30 gms peanuts++ 2 dry dates

240-305pm: cycling 5 km to the restaurant in crazy traffic and lots of 30 degree incline roads

315pm: half skinless grilled chicken with onion and 1 tandoori roti, 1 glass of hot green tea with honey

345-4pm: 4 km cycling back home 

530pm: 1 large cucumber + 20 gms peanuts

615pm: cycled 1 km to a restaurant

630pm: half skinless grilled chicken with onion and 1 tandoori roti, 1 glass of hot green tea with honey

715pm: cycled 1 km back home 

830pm: 10 boiled egg whites with 2 carrots and 30 gms peanuts+1dry date

11pm: done blogging, off to bed :)

13th October Thursday - Shoulders/Triceps

Woke up at 630am: 1 ltr water

7am: 1 banana + 1 orange + 1 apple + half papaya

930pm: 2 oranges + 50 gms peanuts + 2 dry dates + 2 carrots + multivitamin, iron folic

12pm-1245pm: took a nap

1250pm: 20 gms peanuts + 7 boiled egg whites + fish gel

145pm: cycled 3 kms to the gym

creatine with water

2-330pm: Shoulders/Triceps

Ran on the treadmill for 10 minutes

- 15 secs gap btwn sets for all weights:

1. Advanced Push Ups: 30 scorpion, 30 spiderman, 30 alternating grip single leg, 10 wide arm

2. 15*3 pull-ups

3. Shoulder press on Precor machine: 5plates*max(130reps), 10plates*12reps, 12plates*10 reps, 14plates*8reps

4. Dumbbell alternating arm front raise: 10kg*15reps per arm, 12.5kg*12reps per arm, 15kg*10reps per arm

5. Dumbbell Shoulder Flies both arms together: 7.5kg*15 reps, 10kg*12reps, 12.5kg*10reps: (weight per arm)

6. Uprights using precor machine extn: 8plates*15reps, 9plates*12reps, 10plates*10reps

7. Double arm Tricep skull crushers on the bench: 2.5kg*max(101reps), 7.5kg*15reps, 10kg*10reps, 12.5kg*10reps :(weight per arm)

8. Back dips: 3sets*20reps

9. Tricep Push down: 6plates*15reps, 7plates*12reps, 9plates*10reps

10. Tricep pull down: 5plates*12reps, 6plates*10reps, 8plates*8reps

End of workout, 2 oranges, half papaya, glutamine with water, fish gel

cycled 2.1 kms back home and then 3kms to the restaurant

5pm: half skinless grilled chicken+1 tandoori roti+onion+2carrots

6pm: hot green tea with honey

8pm: half skinless grilled chicken+1 tandoori roti+onion+2carrots

cycled back home 3 kms

930pm: 1 cucumber+10gms peanuts

1030pm: off to bed

Thursday, October 13, 2011

12th October 2011 - Cardio, Abs/Core

610am: 1ltr water

630am: 1banana+1orange+1apple+half papaya

645-657am: cycled 5kms

creatine wih water, multivitamin, iron folic

715-745am: Running - 6minute mile followed by HIIT

750-835pm: ABS/CORE

1. Advanced push-ups gripping dumbbells placed on the floor : 30 scorpion push-ups, 30 spider-man push-ups, 30alternating grip single leg push-ups, 30 triangle push-ups, 30 leg-swing push-ups, 10 clock push-ups, 40 wide arm(50 inches) push-ups.

2. 10 rocky pullups/chinups, 15*2 wide-grip pull ups

3. 300 reps on the upper and mid abs - half crunches(close to the ground and 2nd half in the air), situps reaching out with both arms alternately to the left and right, wide legs situps arms reach out btwn legs, crunches with arm reachout 80 degrees with 5kg weight),

Lower abs:75 free kickbacks, 75 kickbacks with a 2.5kg dumbbell, 100 leg raise(double leg 1/4th, 1/2, full, alternating feet, cycling)

Weighted crunches kneeling on the floor with machine extn: 7plates*30reps, 8plates*25reps, 9plates*20reps

End of a great workout! stretched 10 minutes, glutamine with water fish oil, orage, 300gms papaya

cycled back home 2.1 kms and then 3 kms to work.

1010am: 10 boiled egg whites+ 3 plain dosas with coconut chutney + 1 carrot

1255pm: 7 boiled egg whites + 2 carrots + 30 gms peanuts + hot green tea

320pm: half skinless grilled chicken + onion + 20 gms peanuts + half roti

515pm: 30 ml coffee

610pm: 2 carrots + 20 gms peanuts

8pm: 40 gms peanuts+ 20 gms almonds+1 cucumber+1carrot

1030pm: off to bed

What a great day, my abs feel fantastic!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10th October 2011 - Rest

Rest day. similar diet so this makes it my high cal day (3days low cal+1day high caL)

11th October - New week - Heavy weights - Chest/Biceps

Woke up at 650am: 1ltr water

720am: 1banana+multivitamin+iron folic+creatine with water

Cycled 3kms to the gym - 5mins30secs

745-850am: advanced push ups: 30scorpion push ups, 30 spiderman push ups, 30alternating grip single leg push ups, 30triangle push ups, 30 leg swing push ups, 10 clock push ups,

15*3 wide grip pull ups

1. Lower chest press on precor machine: 5plates*maxout(160reps), 15plates*12reps, 16plates*10reps, 17plates*8eps
20secs rest
2. Upper chest press on precor machine: 16plates*12reps, 17plates*10reps, 18plates*8reps
20secs rest
3. Flat bench chest press on precor machine: 17plates*10reps, 18plates*8reps, 20plates*6reps
20secs rest
4. Upper chest flies on precor machine: 7plates*12reps, 9paltes*10reps, 10plates*8reps

1. Small straight rod with 5kg plates: 1 set of 40reps
2. Double arm dumbbell body drag curl: 12.5kg(per arm)*12reps, 15kg(per arm)*10reps, 17.5kg(per arm)*8reps
3. Preacher curl on precor machine: 6plates*15reps, 8plates*10reps, 9plates*8reps
4. Double arm hammer curl: 12.5kg per arm*12reps, 15kg per arm*10reps, 17.5kg per arm*8reps
5. Forearms: a. palms facing down: 8plates*12reps, 9plates*10reps, b. palms facing up, 10plates*15reps, 11plates*12reps

End of Workout. 10 minutes Stretching, Glutamine with water, fish oil, 1 orange

2.1 kms cycling back home, 3km cycling to work

1010am: 2.5 egg dosas with coconut chutney + 7 boiled egg whites + 1 carrot

1145am: 1 cup hot green tea with 2 spoons date syrup

1255pm: 7 boiled egg whites + 2 spoons date syrup + 1carrot+ fish oil

320pm: half barbecue chicken+1onion+half tandoori roti with 1 spoon olive oil

620pm: 7 boiled egg whites +1 cucumber + 2 spoons date syrup

820pm: 1 cucumber + 1 carrot + 1 spoon date syrup + 1 cup hot green tea

cycled back home 3 kms

930pm: 1  very small apple

1050pm: off to bed

Sunday, October 9, 2011

9th October - Sunday - Back

BOy was I in for a tough workout today!

Woke up at 610am: 1 ltr water

630am: 1 banana+1orange+1apple+multivitamin and iron folic

Cycled 2.1 kms to the gym

710-730am: HIIT on the treadmill

Creatine with water and 1 orange

Advanced push ups: 40 scorpion push ups, 30 spider-man push ups, 30 alternating grip single leg push ups, 30 leg-swing push ups, 30 triangle push ups, 10 clock push ups
15*3 wide pull ups
1. Double arm bent rowing: 5kg(per hand)*max resp(101 reps), 10kg*30reps, 12.5kg*25reps, 15kg*20reps...5 secs gap per set
5 secs rest
2. Single Arm dumbbell rowing(per side): 10kg*30reps, 12.5kg*25reps, 15kg*20reps, no gap btwn sets
10 secs rest
3. Wide-Grip  Lat Pulldown: 6plates*30reps, 9plates*25reps, 10plates*20reps, 5 secs gap btwn sets
10secs rest
4. Seated Straight Arm Lat Extension: 8plates*30reps, 9plates*25reps, 10plates*20reps
15secs rest
5. Dumbbell Pullover: 7.5kg*30reps, 10kg*25reps, 12.5kg*20reps

End of Workout. 1 orange+glutamine with water+fish oil. One of my toughest workouts so far

Cycled back home 2.1kms

1015am: 2egg dosas+1plain dosa with coconut chutney+7boiled egg whites+1small carrot

1pm: handful of peanuts+6boiled egg whites+2carrots+1cup hot green tea

320pm: handful of peanuts+half chicken breast with onion

6pm: 1cucumber+6boiled egg whites+handful of peanuts

8pm: 3spoons of date syrup with hot water

Cycled back home 3kms

845pm: 1carrot+6 boiled egg whites

1015pm: off to sleep

Saturday, October 8, 2011

8th October 2011 - Abs/Core

Woke up at 615am: 1 ltr water

630pm: 1banana+1apple+1orange

Cycled 2.1km to the gym

Creatine with water, multivitamin, iron folic acid

730-830am: Abs/Core:

1. 500 crunches lying on the floor with legs & hips in different positions on the Swiss Ball
no gap
2. 50 crunches lying on the swiss ball
15 secs transition
3. 120 leg raise including double and alternating feet: 50*1, 30*1, 20*1, 20*1
4. Kickback: 2.5kg*1set*20reps,  50*1, 25*1, 25*1
5. Side bending with on hand for plates and other hand with 2.5kg dumbbell in varying positions: 4plates per side*60reps

End of Workout, 10 minutes Stretching, glutamine with water, 600gm papaya, fish oil

2.1km cycle back home and 2.7km cycle to work

1030am: 75gm oats with 250ml slim milk + 20gms almonds +2 carrots

1pm: 75gm oats with 250ml slim milk + 20gms almonds +2 carrots

330pm: half chicken breast + 1 tandoori roti with onion

6pm: 75gms roasted peanuts+1carrot+1cucumber

830pm: half chicken breast + 1 tandoori roti with onion

1030pm: off to sleep

7th October 2011 - Evening Legs Workout

Woke up at 6am: 1ltr water

630am: 1 banana+1apple+1orange+250ml milk

9am: 8egg whites omlette with canola oil, oats, spinach, peanuts, onion, multivitamin & iron folic acid

1015am-11am: Dance Dance Revolution Extreme Mode, 200ml Gatorade and fish oil post workout

1145am: half grilled chicken with onion and 1 tandoori roti

245pm:  half grilled chicken with onion and 1 tandoori roti

345-4pm: Dance Dance Revolution Extreme Mode

415-530pm: Biking in traffic, 100ml gatorade plus fish oil, 1 orange

545pm: Creatine with water

6-7pm:  100 push ups(50 wide and 50 narrow on dumbbells), 15*3 wide pull ups

1. Dumbbell Squats: 100*1 free squats, 25kgs*20reps, 30kg*20reps, 35kg*20reps
15 seconds gap
2. Dumbbell lunges: per leg: 25kgs*20reps, 30kg*20reps, 35kg*20reps - 10-15secs gap per set
15 seconds gap
3. Leg Press: 11plates*20reps, 13plates*20reps, 15plates*20reps - 10-15secs gap per set
15 seconds gap
4. Leg Extension: 8plates*20reps, 9plates*20reps, 10plates*15reps - 5 seconds gap per set
30 seconds gap
5. Hamstring Curls: 4plates*20reps, 5plates*20reps, 6plates*20reps
45secs gap
6. Calves: free weight calf raise standing on the edge of a staircase: 3 sets without rest: 25reps on both legs, 20reps only right leg, 20reps only left leg

End of Workout, stretched for 10 minutes, glutamine with water, fish oil, 1 orange

Steam bath for 20 minutes

Cycled back to the restaurant 3 kms

830pm: half tandoori chicken + 1 tandoori roti + roasted peanuts

Laid down on the bed by 10pm

Slept at 11pm

6th Ocotber 2011 - Cycling

1 hour Dance Dance Revolution Expert Mode, Cyled 50 kms and did a lot of compound movements outside the gym, 20 boiled egg whites, 1 full grilled chicken, half tandoori chicken, half ltr gatorate, creatine with water, glutamine with water, fish oil, multivitamin, iron folic, half a kg of carrot, 2 cucumber, 2 roti, 1banana, 2 oranges, 700gm papaya, 1 apple.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

5th October 2011 - Wednesday - Shoulders & Triceps

Woke up at 6am: 1ltr water

630am: 1 apple + 1 banana+ 1 orange + handful badam+ multivitamin+iron

Cycled 2.1 km to the gym in 4 minutes

710-725am:  15minutes running (HIIT) - 2.7 km 
1 orange + creatine with water+ 50 ml gatorade

100*1 push ups + 25*1,15*1 pull ups

1. Seated dumbbell press: 2.5kg*2*130reps, 7.5kg*2*30reps, 10kg*2*25reps, 12.5kg*2* 20 reps
2. Standing Dumbbell flies: 5kg*2*30reps, 7.5kg*2*25reps, 10kg*2* 20 reps
3. Standing Dumbbell Front Rise: 5kg*2*30reps, 7.5kg*2*25reps, 10kg*2* 20 reps
4. Bent flies: 1.5kg*2*30reps*2sets
5: Uprights: 3plates*30reps, 4paltes*25reps, 5plates* 20 reps

1. Flat bench double dumbbell skull crushers: 2.5kg*2*65reps, 5kg*2*30reps, 7.5kg*2*25reps
2. Seated overhead single dumbbell press: 5kg*30, 7.5kg*25, 10kg*20 - (per hand)
3. Back Dips suspended between 2 benches: 2 sets of 20 reps each
4. Press down: 4plates*30reps, 5plates*25reps, 6plates*20reps
5. Reverse Press Down: 2plates*30reps, 3plates*25reps
End of Workout - 5 minutes stretching, glutamine with water, 700gm papaya, fish oil

cycled back home 2.1 kms and then 2.7kms from home to work

1010am:  100gm oatmeal with 300ml slim milk+ 6 boiled egg whites

1pm: 6 boiled egg whites+1 carrot+1cucumber+20gms almonds

335pm: 6 boiled egg whites+1 apple +20gms almonds

6pm: 7 boiled egg whites+1 cucumber

8pm: half grilled chicken+salad

830pm: 2.7km bike ride back home

1030pm: off to bed

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

4th October 2011 - Tuesday - Cardio & Abs/Core

Woke up at 6am: 1ltr water

630am: 1 apple + 1 banana+ 1 orange + handful badam

Cycled 2.1 km to the gym in 4 minutes

7-740am:  30 minutes running (HIIT) - 4.5 km + 10 minutes HIIT on stepper

1 orange + creatine with water


100*1 push ups + 25*1,15*1 pull ups

Abs/Core -
1. 500 crunches with legs on on the swiss ball,
2. 50 twists locking legs on the swiss ball,
3. 2sets*50reps reach out crunches with vertical legs,
4. 75*1 kickback on bench without weights, 30*1+25*1+25*1 kickbacks with 2.5kg dumbbell, 20*1 free kickbacks 

End of Workout - 5 minutes stretching, glutamine with water, 700gm papaya

cycled back home 2.1 kms and then 2.7kms from home to work

1010am:  2 egg dosas with coconut chutney + 2 cups of high fibre rice pulao + 6 boiled egg whites

1145am: 40ml coffee

1pm: 6 boiled egg whites+1 carrot+1cucumber

335pm: 6 boiled egg whites+1 carrot+50gms boiled peanuts

525pm: 40ml coffee

6pm: 6 boiled egg whites+1 carrot+30gms boiled peanuts+10badam

8pm: half grilled chicken+1tandoori roti+salad

830pm: 2.7km bike ride back home

1030pm: off to bed

Monday, October 3, 2011

3rd October - Week 1 Day 1 - Chest & Biceps

Woke up at 555am - 1ltr water

620am: 1 banana+1apple+1orange+250ml milk+1ltr water

cycled 2.1 kms in 4 minutes (no traffic)

7-715am: strategic running using HIIT focused at fat loss

720am: creatine with water, multivitamin+iron supplement

50 very wide arm push ups on dumbbells
50 shoulder width push ups  on dumbbells

15*3 wide pull ups
1*10 shoulder width pull ups

1. Lower Chest Press on precor machine: 4 plates* max reps(120), 6plates*30reps, 7plates*25reps, 8plates*22reps
2. Upper Chest Dumbbell Press: 7.5kg*2*30 reps, 10kg*2*25reps, 12.5kg*2*22reps
3. Flat Bench Dumbbell Press: 7.5kg*2*30 reps, 10kg*2*25reps, 12.5kg*2*22reps
4. Flat Bench Flies: 5kg*2*30reps, 7.5kg*2*25reps, 7.5kg*2*26 reps

1. Bicep Curls with Small Rod: only rod*max reps(115reps), 5kg plates on each side*3sets*30reps per set
2. Dumbbell Curls lying on an incline bench: 2.5 kg*2*30 reps, 5 kg*2*25 reps, 7.5 kg*2*20 reps
3. Preacher Curls: 3plates*30reps, 4plates*30reps, 5plates*25reps
4. Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 5kg*2*30reps, 7.5kg*2*25reps, 10kg*2*20reps

840am End of Workout.  Stretched for 5 minutes.Took glutamine with water. 700gm Papaya

855am: cycled 2.1 kms in 10 minutes (traffic)

Cycled to work 2.7 kms 13 minutes(traffic)

1010am: 120gm oats+half ltr toned milk with honey, badam, 6 boiled egg whiltes+

1250pm: 6 boiled egg whites+50gms roasted peanuts+1carrot

315pm: half chicken breast with tandoori roti+25gms roasted peanuts

6pm: 30gms oatmeal with mil and honey+25gms roasted peanuts

815pm: 12 boiled egg whites+2 carrots+cucumber

Cycling Back home from work 2.7 kms(traffic)

Gotta purchase food for the next 2 days on the way.

Sleep by 1030-11pm

October 2nd - Plan for the next month

Alright, 2 months left.

Current Stats: 75kg, 29.5inch waist, 13 inch forearms, 15.1 inch biceps, 38 inch hips, 16.2 inch calves, 23.3 inch thighs, body fat at 10-10.5%

8 weeks to go, 4 % reduction in body fat with same weight; i.e., increase muscularity too. very tricky.

Weekly Plan:

week1: Light weights, more reps
week2: heavy weights, less reps
week3: hypertrophy
week4: flexibility

Each week:

Cycle everywhere possible

Day1: Cardio 20-30 minutes, chest and biceps
Day2: Cardio 40 minutes + abs/core 50 minutes
Day3: Cardio 20-30 minutes, Shoulder & Triceps
Day4: Cardio 40 minutes + abs/core 50 minutes
Day5: Cardio 20-30 minutes, Back & Legs
Day6: Cardio 40 minutes + abs/core 50 minutes
Day7: Rest

Saturday, October 1, 2011

29th-30th September 2011 - cheat days

29th sept: drank half the amount of water i generally take in. had maybe 1.5kg of boneless chicken that day. post the fashion show, had loads of chicken again, followed by plenty of cake and ice cream. was perfectly fine given i mightve burnt 3500 cals that day.

30th: 2 hours of gruelling expert mode DDR + rode 80 km on the bike in the hot sun, then rain and then chilly weather. jeez!!! had 2 large red apples, 2 bananas, 1kg papaya, 200gms peanuts,1.5 kg of boneless chicken breast with loads of chocolate brownie sundaes, doughnuts, banana waffles. cheat day again :)

Best part was i did not even feel my stomach fill :)

Consistency, Focus, Commitment

5th-28th September. My most productive 24 days in the past 2 and a half months or so.

Reason? Consitency!

Waking Up between 545-610am - 1banan, 1 apple, 1 orange, 250-500ml slim milk.

Power walk or cycle my way 2.1 km to the gym, have creatine, start workout btwn 7amto830am with 100pushups and 50 pull ups...

1st week: heavy weights less reps, 2nd week: light weights more reps, 3rd week, hypertrophy workouts, last 3 days before the naseba day fashion show: 2days heavy weight circuit training, 1 day abs, steam

830am: 700-800gm papaya + glutamine with water

1010am: 3-5 egg dosa or 120-150gm oats with half litre milk & honey +6-7boiled egg whites

1pm: handful roasted peanuts+cucumber+carrot+6 boiled egg whites

315pm: half roasted chicken+1-2tandoori roti+fish oil+onion

545-6pm: 6boiled egg whites+2carrots+cucumber and/or 1corn cob

630-830pm: dance practise

830pm: 6boiled egg whites+carrots+cucumber

1030-11pm off to bed