Friday, November 25, 2011

The 19 day transformation to "Leaner, Meaner, Faster, Stronger" - flab to 8 packs

October 18th to November 5th 2011: Due to major personal problems during this period, I got grossly outta shape cause my routine was totally messed up. It was pretty disturbing cause i put in so much effort the last year and all of that seemed to disappear. True the rolex challenge was to achieve something outstanding in one's personal life but I dint want to stop there. As of October 18th, I got my 6 pack . However, my aim has always been to look stunning until the last day December 15th 2011 and well beyond that. Ask me to take my shirt off anytime and I wanna look great. 

Anyhow, as of November 5th, during Eid vacation back home at Hyderabad, I was way outta shape!

Chest outta shape, pretty much everything outta shape, put on 4-5% body fat alone which was devastating

19 days later, after a carefully strategized routine, find the transformation below...

Photos taken on 24th and 26th November  2011

Tons of people asked how i did it. For me it's more of why I did it. 

The change:
Given I was in the best shape of my life just a few weeks ago and again back to shitty shape due to whatsoever constraints, I was determined to get back into better shape than the period between October 14th and 18th 2011. So I devised a strategy like I never did before. To lose fat and gain muscle and thus transform myself within 3 weeks is always very tough. But the secret is that in one way, it was good that i had a few bad weeks. A body that is new to workouts learns faster and changes much faster. So from a day consisting of pigging out on sweets, pastries, chocolates, overeating, sleeping at odd times and hardly working out, it changed all of a sudden to loads of protein in the form of 1.5kg skinless grilled chicken, eating at the right times, working out like mad and sleeping well. So my body got a sudden shock and thus the fantastic transformation. In fact, from my post below, you can see i upped the protein intake to 50-55% of my daily food, mono/poly-unsaturated fat to 15% and carbs only 30-35%. Also added honey with hot water and loads of other ingredients, loads of raw fruit and veggies. All i ate were Grade A and negative calorie foods. Why so much protein? cause it has 30% negative calories. Which means if i eat 300gm protein, it is supposed to give me 300*4=1200kcal of energy. However, due to 30% negative calories(thermic effect), I had only 1200*.7=840kcal of energy. So to lose fat you need to be on negative calories as everyone knows. Working out in the morning is what leads to maximal fat loss as you are in fasting mode adn all ur body is left with is fat to burn; given your cardio is well planned. Anyhow, due to whatsoever reasons, i couldnt schedule morning workouts. But how did i lose so much fat and gain muscle at the same time???
Answer:  "carbohydrate tapering method", "carbohydrate cycling", "muscle memory" I made sure it was all negative calorie food and my last meal was no later than 6pm. . Thus by 9pm, which is when i started my workout, i would be in the fasting mode with nothin else apart form fat to burn. Metabolism is generally slow in the night coz we sleep then; but because of the early dinner and hardcore workout before sleeping, my metabolism is on a super high even in the night. I also ensured to take protein shake before and after the workout and yes, the only proven muscle building supplement: creatine, one hour before my workout on specific days. Iron folic and multivitamin a must after workout. So by 7 in the morning i was starving and had a brilliant appetite for breakfast. More vitamin in the form of fruit. maximum carbo was during 7am and 1015am and then mostly protein(carbohydrate tapering). Honey with hot water and other ingredients were fantastic fat metabolizers, giving me plenty of vitamins and minerals, keeping me well hydrated and burning fat as well. Sodium intake was minimal. Caloric intake was 3days low carb, one day high carb. Carefully planned "high-volume" workouts with appropriate rest periods caused "cumulative fatigue". Thus they lasted no more than 1 hour. Mixed these with strength, cardio and muscle building workouts such as the "Gerard Butler 300 Workout", "11-11-11" workouts. To think I learned, applied and got into in the greatest shape of my life from so many concepts in 6 worldclass books and plenty of websites within 5-6 months. So many ups and downs. It was challenging, frustrating, exhilarating and I made it happen. Kept learning and dealt with various situations. Setting goals, strategizing, prioritizing and sticking to the pitch got me to where i am and am working towards getting even better.

As of today, December 10th 2011:


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Workouts: 19th Nov - 15th Dec 2011 - last day of the rolex challenge - will keep updating workouts here and photos in the post above

Been Waking up between 6am and 8am. workout in the night. Did not go to the gym on 19th, 20th, 25th but cycled 25 kms each day and stretched at home. 27th is rest day but cycled to work and back home (around 6kms totally) Each day cycle to work and back home.

No workout from 1st-5th December 2011

1st(research for new project at work)

2nd(research. partied after 3 months with my close friend Pridhvi, made new friends which was a good experience as had shut myself from most people)

3rd december: met an old friend Matt Ragsdale who's from seattle

researching for new project at work) 1130pm here on saturday, 3rd november 2011 and am gonna be here for a long long time researching. cant go to the gym tomorrow either coz will go to sleep only in the wee hours on sunday and the gym is closed sunday evenings. So have a plan ready to kill the last 10-11 days starting monday.

Food Chart:
more or less the same as below...reduce/increase the food as per calorie requirements.

anywhere between 615 and 815am: 1 banana+1apple+1orange+whey protein

10am: 6 boiled egg whites +1-3egg yellows+1-2egg dosas/high fiber low gi pulao with coconut chutney+ The torture concoction (250ml hot slim milk with 1tsp mustard seeds/tulsi seeds/cumin(jeera), dry ginger, cinnamon bark,1 tbsp honey)

1255pm: 8 boiled egg whites+2 carrots+1cucumber+fish gel

315pm: half skinless/grilled chicken+1 roti+onion+pudina

545-6pm: half skinless/grilled chicken+1 roti+onion+pudina

Pre- Workout815pm: Whey Protein with water+1spoon L-carnitine+1orange

During workout: Amino Acids Powder with water

945-10pm: Whey Protein with water+1spoon L-carnitine+1orange+multivitamin,ironfolic,fish gel

sleep by 1130pm


21st Nov 2011:
Compound and Chest:
11-11-11 workout(Did it in 8 minutes), 50 advanced pushups, 30 explosive frog jumps(the last 6 frog jumps were probably the toughest moments i've experienced working out. was completely exhausted by now and heart rate was close to maximum. unbelievable workout!)

Chest: Each plate is 7kgs. each set 12-15reps...7 dropsets each of extension cable flies(6plates down to 2 ...5 and 2 plates repeated twice), machine seated press(8plates down to 2plates), and parallel bar dips(all 15-20reps)

Abs/Core: 600 crunches/twists with legs on swiss ball...3sets*10reps each of belly tucks and hip raises on the swiss ball.

22nd Nov2011:

Compound/Legs:  30 jump squats, 150 advanced pushups, 75 prison squats,

Legs: 7 drops sets each 12-15 reps:
 machine seated leg press(8plates down to 2plates),
Hamstring Curl: #of plates: 6, 5,5,4,3,3,2
Leg Extension: #of plates: 2,8,7,6,5,4,3,2

End of legs workout.

Abs/Core: Triple Kill: 2*15 kg dbs: 3sets*10reps - was real tough
Front DB Raise squat swings: 2*5kg dbs*30reps*2sets, 1*7.5kg db*20reps*2sets
50*3 floor twisting/cycling

November 23rd 2011:

Biceps: 7 drop sets each item. 15 reps per set

1. Standing Bicep curl  using machine extension: 10 plates down to 4
2. Seated machine Preacher Curl: 6plates, 5,5,4,3,3,2
3. Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 22.5kg*10reps per arm, 17.5kg*10reps per arm, 15kg*10reps per arm, 12.5kg*2sets*10reps per arm, 10kg*2sets*10reps per arm, 7.5kg*10reps per arm

End of biceps workout.

Tricep Pushdown: 10plates down through 4plates ...15-20 reps per set

600 crunches - lying on the floor with legs on swiss ball..includes twisting crunches, 100 crunches lyin on the swiss ball.

November 24th 2011:

Shoulders: 7 drop sets each item. 15-20 reps per set

1. Seated Double Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Weight per arm): 22.5kg, 25kg, 22.5kg, 20kg, 17.5kg, 15kg, 12.5kg
2. Standing Shoulder Flies (Weight per arm): 12.5kg, 12.5kg, 10kg, 10kg, 10kg, 7.5kg, 7.5kg
3. Front Shoulder Raise (Weight per arm): 12.5kg, 12.5kg, 10kg, 10kg, 7.5kg, 7.5kg, 7.5kg

End of Shoulder Workout.

150 dumbbell twists with 3.5kg dbs and 5kg dbs
500crunches on swiss ball.

End of workout

November 26th 2011:

Double workout Chest(afternoon) and Back(night)


1. 250 advanced pushups, 60 pullups, 30 jump squats
2. Bench Press: 85kg*12reps, 100kg*4reps, 105kg*2reps(with assistance)
3. Incline Dumbbell press: weight per arm: 15kg*12reps, 17.5kg*10reps, 22.5kg*8reps, 25kg*6reps
4. Half bench flies: Drop Sets: Weight per arm: 12.5kg*12reps, 10kg*12reps, 10kg*12reps, 7.5kg*12reps, 7.5kg*15reps

End of Chest workout
100 Advanced Twists with 5 and 7.5kg dumbbell

Back: "Hill SuperSets" - increasing and then decreasing weights

1. Bent Barbell Rowing 15reps per set: 70pounds, 90pounds, 100pounds, 110pounds, 100pounds, 90pounds, 70 pounds
2. Single arm Bent rowing 15reps per set per side: 17.5kg, 20kg, 22.5kg, 25kg, 22.5kg, 20kg, 17.5kg

Drop Set
3. Front Lat Pulldown: Killer machine. althouht The plates were 7kg each, the seemed to be 15kgs each. was super tough.
6plates* 12reps*2sets, 5plates*12reps2sets, 4plates*12reps*2sets

4. Back Lat Pull Down: 4plates*10reps, 3plates*12reps, 3plates*10reps

End of back workout.

Core: 400 supertough floor crunches(feet on swiss ball) including twisitng crunches and "infinity crunches"

November 28th 2011:

50 minutes including rest

1.  11-11-11 workout followed by 30 explosive frog jumps

2.  Leg Press Hill superset each set 15 reps each plate 7kg: 12plates, 13, 14, 15, 14, 13, 12

3. Weighted Crunches on Swiss Ball 15-25 reps per set: 5kg*3sets, 7.5kg*3sets, 10kg*3sets

End of Workout

November 29th 2011:
The "300" Gerard Butler workout Was total killer combined with yesterday's ridiculously fatiguing workout and given I did more weight in the deadlifts than he did but did require 2-5sec rest periods every 4-5sets. Took 3gm creatine post workout with the protein supplement.

  • Pullups - 25 reps...(did 30)
  • Barbell Deadlift with 135 lbs. - 50 reps (did it with 153lbs)
  • Pushups - 50 reps (did 60)
  • 24-inch Box Jumps - 50 reps (35frog jumps whiich are more effective as u jump higher and land harder)
  • Floor Wipers - 50 reps (stuck to it the way it needs to be done)
  • Single-Arm Clean-and-Press with 36 lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps (did 50 per arm with 15 kg db)
  • Pullups - 25 reps (did 30)
Added 30 prison squats and 30 crunches at the end

November 30th 2011:
Back was massively worked from yesterday so chose not to mix chest and back today. Instead went for Chest and Biceps 5-7 sets per item
Most sets were in the 5-7 rep range with rest of 15-30secs btwn sets. Some sets were only 3reps if very heavy. hardly any set was done to failure. This increases muscular density.

1. 30 pull ups

2. Seated chest press: this particular machine was tough: 7plates, 8, 9, 9, 10, 9

3. 20 incline pushups(coz some jerk was hogging the bench. finally got the bench and did 5 sets of incline db press: 22.5kg per arm, 25kg, 27.5kg, 27.5kg, 30kg

4. seated Pec flies(on machine): don remember the weights started with weights where 5 reps were just about  close to causing failure and then moved on to heavier weights with similar rep range

5. Cable crossover Drop sets: 7plates, 6plates, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3

End of Chest workout

Biceps: Followed the 5 reps range with 15-30sec gaps btwn sets

1. machine small rod bicep curls: 9plates, 10plates, 11plates, 12, 13, 12

2. preacher curls: 5 sets

3. Double db hammer curl: 15kg db per arm, 17.5kg per arm, 20kg per arm, 22.5kg per arm, 25kg per arm

End of Biceps workout

1. Renegade Rows: 1 set with each of 7.5kg, 10kg and 12.5kg dbs, 10-15 reps per side

2. 50 explosive crunches on the siwss ball

6th December: 35 minutes workout: 925-10pm

100 advanced pushups, 50 pullups, 200 dumbbell crunches 5kg 7.5kg 10kg, 50 advanced twists with 5kg dumbbells

7th December: Chest and Back 40 minute workout 920-10pm

Chest: 3 items 5 super dropsets per item, 12-15 reps per set
1. seated machine upper chest press: 12plates down to 8 each plate 7kgs
2. upper chest dumbbell press: total weight: 55kg, 50kg, 45kg, 40kg, 35kg 12-15reps
3. seated machine flies: 8 plates down to 4 all 15 reps

Back: 3 items 5 super dropsets per item, 15 reps per set
1. double dumbbell squatted rowing:  55kg, 50kg, 45kg, 40kg, 35kg
2. single arm dumbbell rowing: each arm: 27.5kg, 25kg, 22.5kg, 20kg, 17.5kg
3. seated machine rowing: 14 plates down through 10

100 "circular" crunches on the swiss ball

8th December 2011: Legs
45minutes  915-10pm

1. Pistol Squats: 4sets*20reps per leg
2. Prison Squats: 2sets*100reps per set
3. Lunges: 2sets*20reps per leg
4. Seated Leg Press: 10-15reps per set: 85kg, 95kg, 105kg, 115kg, 125kg, 115kg, 105kg
5. Seated Leg Extension: 8plates through 13plates
6. Hip adduction and abduction: 20 reps*4sets per item. 26-38.5kgs

Swiss ball: 100 circular crunches, 100 crunches

100 advanced twisting/punching with 2.5kg dumbbells

9th December 2011: Shoulders
1. Seated double dumbbell press(total weight): 45kg*12reps, 50kg*10reps, 45kg*10reps, 40kg*10reps, 35kg*12reps, 30kg*12reps, 25kg*12reps
2. Lateral Flies: 25kg*2sets*20reps, 10kg*2sets*20reps, 7.5kg*2sets*20reps
3. Single arm Front db Raise: 12.5kg*2sets*10reps per arm, 10kg*2sets*10reps per arm, 10kg*2sets*10reps per arm
4. Clean and Press: 25-30reps per arm per set:  7.5kg db, 10kg, 12.5kg

End of Soulder workout

Core: 300 weighted crunches including circular crunches on swiss ball with 5kg, 7.5kg and 10kg dbs

12th December 2011:
45 mins: 915pm-10pm

1. 11-11-11 workout
2. 5sets chinups, 25reps, 15reps, 12reps, 8reps, 5reps(10-30secs gap btwn sets)
3. Romanian dead-lift: 175 pounds*15reps*5sets (10-30secs gap btwn sets)
4. 100 bodyweight crunches on swiss ball, 150 weighted crunches with 5kg, 7.5kg and 10kg

14th December 2011:
1. Seated machine upper chest press:  45kg*12reps*2sets, 58kg*12reps, 68kg*10reps, 75kg*8reps, 85kg*6reps, 45kg*12reps
2. Upper chest dumbbell press: 35kg*12reps, 40kg*10reps, 45kg*8reps, 50kg*8reps, 60kg*6reps, 35kg*15reps
3. Upper chest machine flies: 4plates*15reps, 5plates*12reps, 6plates*10reps, 7plates*8reps, 8plates*6reps, 4plates*15reps
4. parallel bar dips: 20*2sets

End of chest workout

5. Lat pulldown: 45kg*12reps*2sets, 58kg*12reps, 68kg*10reps, 75kg*8reps, 85kg*6reps, 45kg*12reps
6. 300 crunches, 100 cable twists

15th December 2011: Back and core

1. 30pullups, 11-11-11workout followed by 3 minutes duck walking(killer workout!)

Back Hill Sets:
2. Lat Pull Down: 45kg*15reps, 55kg*15reps, 65kg*15reps, 75kg*12reps, 65kg*12reps, 55kg*12res, 45kg*15reps
3. Single aram dumbbell rowing (15reps per Weight per arm): 22.5kg, 25kg, 27.5kg, 30kg, 27.5kg, 25kg, 22.5kg
4. Seated rowing: 16plates*15reps, 13plates*15reps, 14plates*12reps, 15plates*10reps, 16plates*8reps, 13plates*12reps, 10plates*15reps

End of Back workout

Core: 400 explosive crunches on swiss ball including infinity crunches/circular crunches/twisting crunches, weighted crunches(2.5kg dbs*2, 5kkg dbs*2) lower the weights to move faster, however, maintained resitance based workout rather than momentum generated)

150 explosive alternate leg twisting - increased and decresed speed to incorporate varying pressure and resistance.

What an awesome experience!

End of workout

----End of Workout---- 

Stretched and cycled back home

Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 18th 2011 - Back (Drop Sets "Up the Stack"), Core, Start of Hydrowhey, Amino Acids during workout and ZMA

Started ON Hydrowhey pre and post workout, Amino Acids powder with water during workout and ZMA on an empty stomach just before going to bed.

Workout: Stretching, 100 advanced pushups, 30*2 pullups, 30 jump-squats, 30 parallel bar dips, 30*3 chest flies, 30 back flies

1. Double arm dumbbell row in squat position(weight per arm) - 22.5kg dbs*20reps, 17.5kgs*25reps, 15kg*25reps, 12.5kg*25reps, 1kg*25reps, 10kg*25reps, 7.5kg*25reps

2. Single arm dumbbell row on Bench(per arm) - 22.5kg dbs*20reps, 17.5kgs*25reps, 17.5kgs*25reps, 15kg*25reps, 12.5kg*25reps, 1kg*25reps, 10kg*25reps

3. Seated Rowing: All sets 25 reps: 12 plates down to 6plates (single plate up transition)

End of back workout

1. Superset of 550 crunches on floor with legs on the swiss ball

2. 50reps*2sets per side: side crunches on floor with legs on the swiss ball

3. 3*10 belly tucks (push up position on swiss ball)

3. 3*10 belly lifts (push up position on swiss ball)

End of Core training

Stretching. End of Workout

Killer workout. each set was a torture during the last 8-10 reps but feel fantastic!

Food Chart: Woke up at 715am: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 orange, oats, 6 egg-whites

945am: Post workout: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 orange, 1.5scoop whey protein, 5gm glutamine, fish gel capsule, multivitamin, iron-folic

1215pm: 6-inch sub with all vegetables, double roasted chicken and only honey-mustard sauce

330pm: Half skinless grilled chicken with onion and pudina, roti, fish gel

6pm: Half skinless grilled chicken with onion and pudina, fish gel

830pm: Half skinless grilled chicken with onion and pudina, roti, fish gel

ON ZMA on empty stomach just before bed.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17th - The 11-11-11 workout

Workout duration: 45 minutes (845am-930am )

This was designed by Celebrity fitness trainer Jeff Cavaliere's as part of his AthLEAN-X workout regime, for the day November 11th 2011; hence 11-11-11

11 sets, 11 reps (total of 143 reps) within 11 minutes. I did the set in 8 min 11 secs but read on to find out more...

11 jumps onto a 2 foot bench or explosive frog jumps
11 burpees
11 single-leg squats (so 22 reps totally)
11 burpees
11 explosive push-up jumps
11 burpees
11 alternate-leg jump lunges per leg (so 22 reps totally)
11 burpees
11 wall assisted hand-stand push-ups
11 burpees
11 plank walks
Total of 143 reps. super killer workout given it took only 8.1 minutes.
But to add to the torture, went for another 11 burpees, 11 5kg dumbbell floor crunch transition into a squat combo. Completed in 10 minutes 28 seconds.

3 minutes rest

30 continuous pull-ups,
30 jump-squats
Straight arm front dumbbell raise squat transition 20reps per arm with 7.5kg and 15reps with 10kg
30 scorpion push-ups
30 dumbbell lunging-twisting punches with 3kg dbs per arm
30*4 crunches on the incline benh followed by 30*4 twist cum cycling on the incline bench

End of Workout. Stretched for 5 minutes

Been cycling everywhere as usual but it's 340pm here and have already cycled 10 kms so far.

Woke up at 715am: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 orange, oats, 6 egg-whites

No more creatine till November 15th, the ultimate deadline for the naseba rolex challenge

945am: Post workout: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 orange, 1.5scoop whey protein, 5gm glutamine, fish gel capsule, multivitamin, iron-folic

1215pm: 6-inch sub with all vegetables, double roasted chicken and only honey-mustard sauce

330pm: Half skinless grilled chicken with onion and pudina, fish gel

6pm: Will have Half skinless grilled chicken with onion and pudina,fish gel

830pm: Will have Half skinless grilled chicken with onion and pudina, fish gel

Plan to play Dance dance revolution for an hour between 6pm and 830pm and then supper, followed by cycling back home. Will go to bed at 1030pm.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"Why are you still doing this?..You've achieved your 6pack for the rolex challenge already right?"

Little do the people who asked me this understand that it's not just about the rolex challenge. It's not just about winning a watch. It's more about what it represents. It's about a lifestyle. A lifelong commitment towards fitness. Just because I got my 6-pack abs back in October this year and hence submitted my achievement for the rolex challenge does not mean that it is over and I change the way I've lived the last year and most importantly the last 5-6 months. God knows I wanna win the rolex challenge more than anyone could imagine. It means the whole world to me now. I am very confident of winning it!... But hypothetically speaking what if I dont? Sure, I'll be disappointed. But will I stop working out and keeping fit? I don't think so! In fact, yes, being at 9% body fat and being fit is great but next year I strive to be at 6% or maybe less than that to look ultra ripped! Apart from that, I plan to go on various road trips by bicycle, lot of hikes but that's another story, another time.

My late father had diabetes. My mom has diabetes. One of my uncles had brain tumor due to excessive smoking and died a slow 2-year long painful death. My grandparents died of ill health. And the story continues. I, as everyone knows was in phenomenally bad shape and very in-disciplined in most aspects of life. Most of my near and distant family is in bad shape. Most people I know/see in public places/am friends with/work with, etc are in bad shape and in-disciplined  Diabetes runs in our family tree and they expect me to get it too saying if something's hereditary, it'll hit me too. I disagree. As long as one is persistent and resilient, no disease can encroach into her/his body. It's all in the mind. But it doesn't mean you're gonna be fit without putting in effort. Eat right. Sleep right. Workout right and keep a calm/composed mind; and you'll be fine. The only thing hereditary I couldnt stop was grey hair thanks to my dad.

Again, one need not miss out on the pleasures of life. Yes, I indulge in eating junk. I have a super sweet-tooth and belt ice creams, chocolates, pastries etc but only occasionally  maybe once in a week or 10 days which accounts for the cheat meals. It's alright to indulge once in a while.

My mom says, there are loads of people who were perfectly fit, would workout everyday and they just collapse and died of stroke, heart attack etc. I'd rather be hit by a truck/get a heart attack or a stroke knowing that I've lived a life true to my principles rather than "enjoy" my life by being unfit, pigging out all the time, smoking and drinking . It might sound too dramatic but you see it was meant to be that way!

What I do seems eccentric to everybody now but as the great Bertrand Russell said:
"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric."

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 11th-14th 2011

Back to Bangalore on 11th.

Have not hit the Gym since returning but repeated the workouts from November 5th-8th each morning between 630am and 830am. Cycled to work and back home. Food was the same as when in Bangalore starting with fruit in the morning, 20 boiled egg whites, veggies, full grilled chicken, peanuts.

Was great to get back on the bike and looking forward to gymming soon.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Workout Photos and Videos

Post a 12 hour bike ride in and around Bangalore

At the Gym

Workout Videos

Advanced Pushups


Compound Workout

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 9th - 10th Evening - Compound/Core/Strength Workouts at the Gym

November 9th:  30 Jump squats, 30 side shift pushups, 30 alternating jump lunges, 30 staggered pushups, 30 prison squats, 30 hindu pushups, 30 half squat incline machine rows with 1 and 2 plates, 30 burpees, 30*2 lunging twists with 3 kg dumbbells, 30*2 single arm dumbbell raise+squat with 3kg/7.5kg/10kg dbs, 200 floor crunches, 100 weighted full swing crunches on an elevated seat with 5kg/7kg/10kg plates, 50*2 alternate kickbacks, 30*5 swings with 5 kg dumbbells.

November 10th: Went super heavy

Warm-up: 30 Jump squats, 30 side shift pushups, 30 alternating jump lunges, 30 parallel bar dips

1. Flat Bench Press: 15 plates*8reps*4sets, 3reps*80kg(including 15 kg rod), 3reps*90 kg(including 15 kg rod) , 3reps*105kg(including 15 kg rod) slight lift.

2. Dead Lift (Including 10kg Rod): 90kg*60reps, 110kg*3reps, 125kg*2reps, 135kg*1rep

3. Run: 1km in 3.5 minutes, 1km HIIT 6 minutes

4. Triple Kill: Shoulder press/upright/deadlift: including 10kg rod: 30kg*30reps,, 40kg*18reps, 50kg*8reps

5. Leg Press: 150kg*10reps, 175kg*6reps, 200kg*4reps

6. Tricep Push down: 5plates*30reps palms facing down, 20reps palms facing up superset

Replaced all the plates

7. Abs/Core: 250 incline bench crunches with legs alternately bouncing off the swiss ball, 30 belly tucks on swiss ball(in push up position feet on ball), 30 hip-raise on swiss ball(in push up position feet on ball)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 5th - 8th, 2011: compound workouts(been 3 weeks since proper routines)

It's been 3 weeks since i've had a proper workout streak.  Barring the last 3 days been maintaining a 55carb:30protein:15fat macronutrient ratio but not much activity. I had such great momentum goin for a year and this sudden long gap caused my body to respond very weirdly. My head hurt real bad, was sleepin very long. fatigue set in. Just did not understand how a guy so fit could be so tired all the time. Guess my body was not stimulated and needed exercise.

My body is highly endomorphic andThe metabolism/aferburn will keep kickin but not for long and unfortuntely, on the 5th of november, as compared to18th oct, when i was at no more than 9% body fat at 77kg, i've gained body fat. Now am at 10.5 or 11% body fat; which is still in the athletic range, a figure most people strive to achieve and are envious of; but certainly not my best. And that's all that matters.

Finally got some time and went totally berserk these past 3 days pushing myself more than ever; not as a planned workout but like a drug addict wanting more each second he/she is deprived of it. It's amazing how working out could get so addictive! Today, 3 days later, I already feel the changes(good ones of course). Muscle is heavier. Fat has reduced. Not by a significant amount but still, one step at a time.

Workout Routine: 5th - evening 1hour, 6th morning 1 hour, 7th morning 1 hour This is one of the most killer workouts and since yesterday, ive had severely sore legs and lower back. I LOVE IT!!!

30 Jump squats, 30 side shift pushups, 30 alternating jump lunges, 30 staggered pushups, 30 prison squats, 30 hindu pushups, 30 half squat towel rows, 30 burpees, 30 double crunches, 30 alternate kickbacks, 60 single arm iron man leg shifts, 100 crunches, 30 alternate kickbacks, 100 twists with reebok cable, 20*5 punches with 12.5 kg dumbbells, and the killer of all: 30 explosive frog jumps. I was beyond dead here!

Try this workout! it'll break your ass for sure! Sure did break mine. Been limping all over the place for 2 days now. My lower back hurts. Not been sleepin very well and wake up with a head ache. They call me a masochist, my mom and sis.

Food in the last 3 days: My food has been different compared to when I am at Bangalore (with a few things remaining as they are). Here at Hyderabad, it's home, so more opportunity to cook. Been eating 6 times a day spaced 2.5-3hrs apart startin at 7am. 3 of these meals consists of 8 egg white omlettes with half scoop whey(breakfast and lunch)/casein(dinner) protein, green leaves, pudina, coriander powder, mustard seeds, methi seeds, olive pomace/canola oil. Get my carbs/fat/vitamins/minerals and more protein from low GI high fibre rice, grilled chicken, rotis, plent of apple, papaya, banana, orange, honey with hot water, carrots, cucumber, brinjal, ladies finger, beans, dry fruit(walnuts, grapes, figs, apricots, dates), roasted peanuts, etc.

Cut out the multivitamin and iron folic supplements to see how i could replace those with proper food at home. Took 5gms creatine before each workout and 1 scoop glutamine with gatorade post each workout.

6pm here on the 8th of November 2011 and I am off to repeat this workout with some variations.
Added the following to the abovementioned workout: 50 pec flies with reebok resitance band, 50 rows with reebok res band, 200 sprint speed leg raise in pushup position(arms perpendicular to shoulders makes it tougher), 50reps*6 alternate leg kickbacks+twist, 150 wide-leg twists with reebok resistance band.

And I thought the last 3 days were tough!
 6 boiled egg whites, gatorade and glutamine post workout. supper is at 830 pm. It's grilled chicken with canola oil. carrots, cucumber.

Tomorrow it's gonna be a morning workout. I feel great and am ready to kick some ass!