Friday, November 25, 2011

The 19 day transformation to "Leaner, Meaner, Faster, Stronger" - flab to 8 packs

October 18th to November 5th 2011: Due to major personal problems during this period, I got grossly outta shape cause my routine was totally messed up. It was pretty disturbing cause i put in so much effort the last year and all of that seemed to disappear. True the rolex challenge was to achieve something outstanding in one's personal life but I dint want to stop there. As of October 18th, I got my 6 pack . However, my aim has always been to look stunning until the last day December 15th 2011 and well beyond that. Ask me to take my shirt off anytime and I wanna look great. 

Anyhow, as of November 5th, during Eid vacation back home at Hyderabad, I was way outta shape!

Chest outta shape, pretty much everything outta shape, put on 4-5% body fat alone which was devastating

19 days later, after a carefully strategized routine, find the transformation below...

Photos taken on 24th and 26th November  2011

Tons of people asked how i did it. For me it's more of why I did it. 

The change:
Given I was in the best shape of my life just a few weeks ago and again back to shitty shape due to whatsoever constraints, I was determined to get back into better shape than the period between October 14th and 18th 2011. So I devised a strategy like I never did before. To lose fat and gain muscle and thus transform myself within 3 weeks is always very tough. But the secret is that in one way, it was good that i had a few bad weeks. A body that is new to workouts learns faster and changes much faster. So from a day consisting of pigging out on sweets, pastries, chocolates, overeating, sleeping at odd times and hardly working out, it changed all of a sudden to loads of protein in the form of 1.5kg skinless grilled chicken, eating at the right times, working out like mad and sleeping well. So my body got a sudden shock and thus the fantastic transformation. In fact, from my post below, you can see i upped the protein intake to 50-55% of my daily food, mono/poly-unsaturated fat to 15% and carbs only 30-35%. Also added honey with hot water and loads of other ingredients, loads of raw fruit and veggies. All i ate were Grade A and negative calorie foods. Why so much protein? cause it has 30% negative calories. Which means if i eat 300gm protein, it is supposed to give me 300*4=1200kcal of energy. However, due to 30% negative calories(thermic effect), I had only 1200*.7=840kcal of energy. So to lose fat you need to be on negative calories as everyone knows. Working out in the morning is what leads to maximal fat loss as you are in fasting mode adn all ur body is left with is fat to burn; given your cardio is well planned. Anyhow, due to whatsoever reasons, i couldnt schedule morning workouts. But how did i lose so much fat and gain muscle at the same time???
Answer:  "carbohydrate tapering method", "carbohydrate cycling", "muscle memory" I made sure it was all negative calorie food and my last meal was no later than 6pm. . Thus by 9pm, which is when i started my workout, i would be in the fasting mode with nothin else apart form fat to burn. Metabolism is generally slow in the night coz we sleep then; but because of the early dinner and hardcore workout before sleeping, my metabolism is on a super high even in the night. I also ensured to take protein shake before and after the workout and yes, the only proven muscle building supplement: creatine, one hour before my workout on specific days. Iron folic and multivitamin a must after workout. So by 7 in the morning i was starving and had a brilliant appetite for breakfast. More vitamin in the form of fruit. maximum carbo was during 7am and 1015am and then mostly protein(carbohydrate tapering). Honey with hot water and other ingredients were fantastic fat metabolizers, giving me plenty of vitamins and minerals, keeping me well hydrated and burning fat as well. Sodium intake was minimal. Caloric intake was 3days low carb, one day high carb. Carefully planned "high-volume" workouts with appropriate rest periods caused "cumulative fatigue". Thus they lasted no more than 1 hour. Mixed these with strength, cardio and muscle building workouts such as the "Gerard Butler 300 Workout", "11-11-11" workouts. To think I learned, applied and got into in the greatest shape of my life from so many concepts in 6 worldclass books and plenty of websites within 5-6 months. So many ups and downs. It was challenging, frustrating, exhilarating and I made it happen. Kept learning and dealt with various situations. Setting goals, strategizing, prioritizing and sticking to the pitch got me to where i am and am working towards getting even better.

As of today, December 10th 2011:


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