Thursday, August 18, 2011

16th & 17th August 2011

16th August: Returned from a visit to Hyderabad...

2 days of proper rest at hyderabad. apart from makin my sis laugh, all i did was eat and sleep :)

Good hardcore day of pitching today at work.

How buggin was it to miss out 35-40 minutes of workout stuck in the rain!!! darn bangalore roads and traffic!

killed the workout though: 4 supersets of shoulder (target: Deltoids): 10kg dumbells arnold press+dropdown and immediately into shoulder flies - 20reps, 16, 14 and 12. was a killer
4 sets of front shoulder raise: 7.5kg*20, 7.5*16, 10kg*14, 10*12, 10 sec gap btwn each set. Shoulder complete

Abs: 5 minutes of high intensity standing twister, 20 secs gap, 4sets*35reps hanging bent knee+ toe pointed to the - floor leg raises, 20 sec gap between each set...3rd set last 10 reps could hardly life my legs...killer lower abs workout!

Overall very effective workout given it was completed in 32 minutes. took my protein, fat and carbs. back home. freshened up. chkd mail, facebook.

off to bed.

17th Aug 2011: ranjith's friend met with an accident so he could not make it to the training....

cardio:walked for a km on the treadmill(sad coz of the left hamstring injury) and then performed Hiit training on the cycle from level 12 to 20 for a total of 20 minutes....pretty good workout...maintained hr of 120-140 bpm  for fat loss.

Abs: parallel bar leg lifts: 35, 26, 26, 15, 5, 5, 5 reps with gap of 20, 20, 20, 3-4 secs btwn each set resp...stick twisting for a minute and then kick backs lying on the bench....pretty kick ass workout..

always end my days with a cold water shower and go to bed.

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