Thursday, August 18, 2011

18th August 2011

Diet: 830 am- 1 full banana, 9am - 700gm papaya+ 1 scoop of whey protein with water, 10 am: 4 egg dosas + multivitamin tab + iron tab, 1045am: 1 cup of strong coffee,  1245pm- 1 scoop of whey protein + handful of peanuts, 315pm: 1 full corn cob + 2 egg dosas + 3 carrots, 430pm: 1 cup of black lime tea,  6pm: 1 corn cob, 730pm: 1 corn cob+  2 scoops of ON whey protein+ handful of peanuts

Workout: 830pm-930pm

Target Muscle Group: Biceps and Triceps

warm up: 
started with shoulder width push ups 2sets*25reps, 10 secs gap btwn sets
immediately went for 1*20, 1*15 shoulder width chin ups

Weights: 1. medium Zig ziag bar: 10kg plates on each side: 4 super sets alternating between lying down triceps skull crushers and standing bicep curls: 20reps, 18, 16, 14....for the biceps, held for 3 secs at the last lift, left another inch and held for 3 secs, relax

2. 4 super sets this time starting with twisting bicep curls with 12.5 kg dumbbells alternate hands: 24 reps, 16, 14, 12....alternating with single hand seated tricep overhead with 10 kg dumbbell: 20 reps, 16, 12, 10

3. 4 super sets alternating btwn biceps and triceps on the extension cable: bicep curl with small rod  at the floor and rope push down: 5plates*20 reps, 5plates * 20 reps, 7plates*16reps, 9plates*14 reps....held last rep for 3 secs at 2 positions, relax

Killer workout!!!

Post workout food: 2 scoops of ON gold standard whey protein + Fish oil capsule + astymin (multivitamin&amino acids tab)

2 kms peaceful walk back home.

Television, facebook, friends on mobile, off to bed... see you tomorrow :)

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