Thursday, October 13, 2011

12th October 2011 - Cardio, Abs/Core

610am: 1ltr water

630am: 1banana+1orange+1apple+half papaya

645-657am: cycled 5kms

creatine wih water, multivitamin, iron folic

715-745am: Running - 6minute mile followed by HIIT

750-835pm: ABS/CORE

1. Advanced push-ups gripping dumbbells placed on the floor : 30 scorpion push-ups, 30 spider-man push-ups, 30alternating grip single leg push-ups, 30 triangle push-ups, 30 leg-swing push-ups, 10 clock push-ups, 40 wide arm(50 inches) push-ups.

2. 10 rocky pullups/chinups, 15*2 wide-grip pull ups

3. 300 reps on the upper and mid abs - half crunches(close to the ground and 2nd half in the air), situps reaching out with both arms alternately to the left and right, wide legs situps arms reach out btwn legs, crunches with arm reachout 80 degrees with 5kg weight),

Lower abs:75 free kickbacks, 75 kickbacks with a 2.5kg dumbbell, 100 leg raise(double leg 1/4th, 1/2, full, alternating feet, cycling)

Weighted crunches kneeling on the floor with machine extn: 7plates*30reps, 8plates*25reps, 9plates*20reps

End of a great workout! stretched 10 minutes, glutamine with water fish oil, orage, 300gms papaya

cycled back home 2.1 kms and then 3 kms to work.

1010am: 10 boiled egg whites+ 3 plain dosas with coconut chutney + 1 carrot

1255pm: 7 boiled egg whites + 2 carrots + 30 gms peanuts + hot green tea

320pm: half skinless grilled chicken + onion + 20 gms peanuts + half roti

515pm: 30 ml coffee

610pm: 2 carrots + 20 gms peanuts

8pm: 40 gms peanuts+ 20 gms almonds+1 cucumber+1carrot

1030pm: off to bed

What a great day, my abs feel fantastic!

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